+ 7 Sins club
One of the hottest and most Favourite Artist in the Athenian audience!!!
(Drive Records,Israel)
Azax Syndrom is Regev Azaria from Israel. His musical background is heavy metal, in the early 90's Azax was a lead singer in a metal band. Few years later he was exposed to electronic music, and psytrance parties, and was fascinated by this sound. Since then he was collecting and playing Trance music, and after being a DJ for some years he started to make his own music at the beginning of 2003. Combining his musically background with his trance influences, Azax was in search for fresh and innovative sound! The result was powerful music, always pushing to the max. Heavy riffs, crisp metal melodies, pumping baselines and heavy beats, all packed in together, wrapped with his unique buildup and cutting edge production generates extreme dance floor music. His unique style of music gained very fast global recognition, and azax became one of the most demanded acts worldwide.
At 2003 his first co-album "Voices of madness(Parvati Records)" was released, and was considered as a milestone in modern psy-trance music. Many people consider it as a masterpiece. Since then azax has been touring the globe, playing at every important stage and festival, spreading his sound and vision to the masses... his first solo album "Evolution" was released at April 2007, at 3dvision records. And was a huge success worldwide. later on this year his compilation "The Exploding Man" was released, featuring mega hits such as cutting edge science, and the exploding man.
His third album "Round 1", collaboration with Bliss, was released at May 2009 at drive records, setting new standards in psy music, and production skills. This album was immediately a mega hit at dance floors worldwide, and was the most demanded sound of that year. At 2010 Azax released a digital EP "Overload", featuring 2 new collaboration tracks and a mega remix to Talamasca's hit overload. During his career, azax has many tracks featured at various compilations, in all top international major labels. Also azax has many collaboration tracks with various artists from all around the world.
2011 his new collaboration album with star producer Bliss, “Round 2" is about to release. This one is meant straight for dance floors, giving their fans what they love so much... Round 2 is declared....2013 Get ready for battle!
+Natural High djs in special grooves:
(Natural High,Velvet Vision)
>>TRITOSTEP aka Dimitrio Nats
(Natural High SoundSystem)
(Natural High,Optic Alchemy)
~Fluo Deco:by Optic Alchemy
~Sound System Tuning by N.H.
~Projection by Natural Labs
~Uv Lights & atmosphere!
~Natural High Mini Shop(t-shirts ect)
Start:24:00 till late...
ENTRANCE:12euro + 1 Beer or Wine!
***350 Limited Tickets***
@ 7 Sins Club
Themistokleous & Gambetta -
Exarxeia Area - Kaniggos Square

~~WELCOME 2013 Party~~
>>LUNARAVE Live pa
(Hadra records France)
Cosmos, travel, time and History, symbolic notions Lunarave wants to share through his musical universe. Playing many gigs in france since 2004, within the Psynap's crew and later, from 2006, on Hadra Records, Lunarave starts introducing his very own style and touch.
His powerful live act has been more and more acclaimed from gig to gig, and Lunarave has been singled out beyond the borders (Swiss ,Germany ,Greece, Belgium, Italia, Austria...) and his debut album « The 4th Sun »(released on Hadra Records) have been a real success.
Now working hard on his second album but also on side-projects such as LovPacT (LunaRave & Sleeping Forest), debut album coming soon in feb 2013... stay tuned and have taste of his latest production at his next appearance ! Lunarave brings us an all-round live act where mystic sounds lead us into a timeless and epic no-return travel.
(Loney Records Russia)
Pantomiman is George Agaronov (or Gosha for short), a Russian psytrance producer with some extra flavour on top – he is a professional comic actor who comes from a family of circus comedy performers! Early in his childhood years Gosha began playing musical instruments, performing on stage and later composing his parts for a circus band. When Gosha was a teenager he discovered electronic music and a bit later towards the late nineties Gosha discovered something that felt very natural to him – psychedelic trance. Since then Gosha has been developing and working on his own sound, partly with an expert guidance from Alex Parasense. The past few years Pantomiman has spent DJ’ing and playing live around Russia entertaining crowds with his very special and very funny musical shows. Needless to say Pantomiman’s music is a psychedelic circus act in itself. Sometimes more aggressive and twisted, sometimes more nostalgic and funky music by Pantomiman never fails to surprise and excite. Pantomiman’s groovy bass lines and comical themes make people dance and laugh at the same time, while of course his skilful sound synthesis guarantees that a trip will be adventurous, joyful and amusing.
Pantomiman’s tracks have been taken for releases by such quality labels as Bom shanka music, Doof Records, Sundance, Up Records, Space Baby rec, Macky Mad House Records and Blitz Studios. At present he is working with the Looney moon records!
>>ANGRY LUNA Live pa
(ManiacPsychoPro/Noise poison France)
AngrY LunA is the hi-tech side project of LunaRave ! enjoy !
+ Natural High Residents:
(Natural High,Velvet Vision)
(Natural High,Optic Alchemy)
(Natural High Soundsystem)
@ INBOX Club
(X-Club 22)
Λεοφορος Βουλαγμένης 22
Νεος Κόσμος, Αθήνα
Capacity:1200 people
Entrance:15 euro until 01.30
after 01.30: 18euro
+ Free Welcome Drink(wine)
~Super Sound System XL Line Array!!!
~3D mapping projection
(1st time in trance party in Athens)!!!
~Sound and Light Design by Global Show Productions
~Fluo Deco:by Optic Alchemy
~Full Colour LASER SHOW by Natural Labs
~Sound System Tuning by N.H.
~Uv Lights & atmosphere!
~Natural High Mini Shop(t-shirts ect)
Συμπεριφορές που δε συνάδουν με τη σκηνή μας, αλλά και έλλειψη Σεβασμού απέναντι στους παρευρισκομένους αλλά και στο χώρο του club δεν θα είναι Αποδεκτές.
Ας δείξουμε όλοι μαζί ότι η ψυχεδελική trance κοινότητα της Αθήνας μπορεί να κάνει όμορφα και πολύχρωμα parties !!!
Respect Nature Respect Yourself
Support by:
Exposure Productions
Hybrid UV
Hadra Records
Looney Moon Records
More info:
Our Group on FB:
contact us:
Το Natural High σας προσκαλεί να κάνουμε λίγο πιο Ροζ τις φετινές μας γιορτές….
Και πιο συγκεκριμένα το Σάββατο 29 Δεκεμβρίου 2012 σας περιμένουμε στο 7 Sins club σε ένα Ladies PSY Night με 4 djanes: SofiaX,Psycho Queen,Anchy,Sissy Strardust!!!!
Με γενική είσοδο 8ε(+ μπύρα ή Κρασί) και για όλες τις κοπέλες free entrance zone από το ξεκίνημα τις βραδιάς έως τις 02:00!!! Pink and Psy X-Mass!!!
(Discovalley records goa)
>>Djane ANCHY
(From Serbia)
(Resident of Natural High)
(Void Network)
~Fluo Deco:by Optic Alchemy
~Sound System Tuning by N.H.
~Projection by Natural Labs
~Uv Lights & atmosphere!
~Natural High Mini Shop(t-shirts ect)
Start:23:30 till late...
ENTRANCE:8euro + 1 Beer(500ml) or Wine
>>ALL LADIES FREE entrance from 23:30-02:00<<
@ 7 Sins -
Themistokleous & Gambetta -
Exarxeia Area - Kaniggos Square
Timetable on Nat209/Girls on Dexxs:
23:30-01:00 SISSY STARDUST(Void Network)
01:00-02:30 Djane ANCHY(Serbia)
02:30-04:30 SOFIA X(Discovalley Records Goa)
04:30-06:30 Djane PSYCHO QUEEN(Natural High)
06:30-end.. Back to back set
The trance scene brings people close, creates friendships and memories....
Natural High - Velvet Vision, is a friendship created on 25th November 2000, which is combined by Music Lovers,djs/artists, with old members and new ones, audience… friends… They introduced their selves for first time in An Club, Exarxeia and since then, their philosophy is too give life to their conception for supporting the scene, maintaining or even expanding its culture and doing what they like the most at the same time.
2012 is considered to be a milestone of Natural’s High history at Trance parties. After 12 years nonstop action with 205+ parties, we still try to expand our vision...and we will continue!!!
12th Anniversary Party(Club Version)
Το Natural High trance family συμπληρώνοντας τα 12 χρονιά συνεχούς παρουσίας
αλλά και 206 parties/events στα Αθηναϊκά dancefloors γιορτάζει τα δέκατα γενέθλια του
και σας προσκαλεί με ένα εξαιρετικό party στο Νεο GOYA club.Με καλεσμένους 2 πολύ
Σημαντικούς εκφραστές του νυκτερινού psychedelic trance τον KULU(Deviant Forces) dj set &
FULL FACE(Pixan) Live pa.Μαζί τους οι συνήθεις ύποπτοι και Residents toy natural high: Mindphaser,Underverse,Djane Psycho Queen,Optimus. Με γενική είσοδο 10ευρω μαζί με μια μπύρα (+ birthday wine welcome drink) το Σάββατο 24 Νοεμβρίου 2012 ας το γιορτάσουμε!!!
@ new GOYA Club
Aristofanous 11,Psiri
Psy Trance music by:
Special Guests:
(Deviant Force,Lycantrop Records)
_Kulu had been a dj since 1997, and in 2003 he started to make music by himself.
also kulu is involved in Metallaxis project together with Romolo Cheri (Polyphonia).
(Pixan Recordings)
_Full Face is the solo project of Doros Grigoropoulos from Corfu, Greece. Doros played bass for a hardcore punk group from 1994 to 2002. Got involved with psychedelic trance in the late ninenties first as a listener and from 2003 as a dj and party organiser (Mother Earth, D-Apontia Gathering) doing several parties with international guests in Corfu. He started writing his own music at 2003…
+ Natural High Residents:
(Natural High,Velvet Vision)
(Natural High,Optic Alchemy)
(Natural High Soundsystem)
(Natural High/Labs)
~Fluo Deco:by Optic Alchemy
~Full Colour LASER SHOW by Natural Labs
~Sound System Tuning by N.H.
~Uv Lights & atmosphere!
~Natural High Mini Shop(t-shirts ect)
Start:23:30 till late...
ENTRANCE:10euro + 1 Beer
+ Free welcome glass of Wine
αλλά και 206 parties/events στα Αθηναϊκά dancefloors γιορτάζει τα δέκατα γενέθλια του
και σας προσκαλεί με ένα εξαιρετικό party στο Νεο GOYA club.Με καλεσμένους 2 πολύ
Σημαντικούς εκφραστές του νυκτερινού psychedelic trance τον KULU(Deviant Forces) dj set &
FULL FACE(Pixan) Live pa.Μαζί τους οι συνήθεις ύποπτοι και Residents toy natural high: Mindphaser,Underverse,Djan
@ new GOYA Club
Aristofanous 11,Psiri
Psy Trance music by:
Special Guests:
(Deviant Force,Lycantrop Records)
_Kulu had been a dj since 1997, and in 2003 he started to make music by himself.
also kulu is involved in Metallaxis project together with Romolo Cheri (Polyphonia).
(Pixan Recordings)
_Full Face is the solo project of Doros Grigoropoulos from Corfu, Greece. Doros played bass for a hardcore punk group from 1994 to 2002. Got involved with psychedelic trance in the late ninenties first as a listener and from 2003 as a dj and party organiser (Mother Earth, D-Apontia Gathering) doing several parties with international guests in Corfu. He started writing his own music at 2003…
+ Natural High Residents:
(Natural High,Velvet Vision)
(Natural High,Optic Alchemy)
(Natural High Soundsystem)
(Natural High/Labs)
~Fluo Deco:by Optic Alchemy
~Full Colour LASER SHOW by Natural Labs
~Sound System Tuning by N.H.
~Uv Lights & atmosphere!
~Natural High Mini Shop(t-shirts ect)
Start:23:30 till late...
ENTRANCE:10euro + 1 Beer
+ Free welcome glass of Wine
@ new GOYA Club,Aristofanous 11,Psiri
Psy Trance music by:
(Natural High,Velvet Vision)
(Tree of Life,Brazil)
(Natural High,Optic Alchemy)
(It Records)
~Fluo Deco:by B.O.T.N.+ Optic Alchemy
~Full Colour LASER SHOW by Natural Labs
~Sound System Tuning by N.H.
~Uv Lights & atmosphere!
~Natural High Mini Shop(t-shirts ect)
Start:23:30 till late...
ENTRANCE: 8euro + 1 Beer
Natural High 12th Anniversary(2000-2012)
on Sat. 24 Nov. with guests KULU(Deviant Forces)
+FULL FACE(Pixan Records) Live +more....
Stay Tuned...
Το Σάββατο 06 Οκτωβρίου 2012 το Natural High Trance Family ετοιμάζει ένα παρτυ Purple Psy Steps part 01(nat203) χωρίς πολλά “ φρου-φρου “ και αρώματα…
Ένα παρτυ με δυνατές μουσικές από Iraklis Mindphaser,Confo(Discovalley),Djane Psycho Queen,Stavros Svmix(special Tribute dj set to Flying Rhino Recs) στο σχετικά μικρό και όμορφο χώρο του Skull Bar στο κέντρο της Αθήνας.
Έτσι σε περιμένουμε να παρτάρουμε μαζί σε ένα φιλικό και παρεϊστικο κλίμα/ ατμόσφαιρα με εκλεπτυσμένη Psy Trance!!!
Επειδή ο χώρος έχει περιορισμένη χωρητικότητα θα αδειάσει τελείως και σε περίπτωση αυξημένης προσέλευσης θα τηρηθεί σειρά προτεραιότητας…!
Ξεκινάμε λίγο μετά την αλλαγή της μέρας (24.00) και με προσιτή γενική είσοδο 6ευρο μαζί με μια μπύρα(μπουκάλι 330ml) η ένα ποτήρι Κρασί!!!
Stay Trance Stay True!!!
Το Natural High μετά την προηγουμένη πανέμορφη βραδιά…Συνεχίζει να παρτάρει παρέα με όλους εσάς σε ένα πανέμορφο χώρο και κάτω από τα αστερία και τους ήχους της Psy Trance – Psy Autumn Open Air(nat202)- .
Έτσι το Σάββατο 08 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012 θα είμαστε στο καταπληκτικό DECK Seaside Bar στη παραλία του Αγίου Κοσμά,στο Ελληνικό και σας περιμένουμε σε μια μουσική περιπλάνηση στα τοπία της ψυχεδελικής trance μουσικής κάτω από το Φως των Αστεριών!!! Το πάρτυ είναι χωρίς εισιτήριο και με φιλικές τιμές στο μπαρ(μπύ
Έτσι το Σάββατο 08 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012 θα είμαστε στο καταπληκτικό DECK Seaside Bar στη παραλία του Αγίου Κοσμά,στο Ελληνικό και σας περιμένουμε σε μια μουσική περιπλάνηση στα τοπία της ψυχεδελικής trance μουσικής κάτω από το Φως των Αστεριών!!! Το πάρτυ είναι χωρίς εισιτήριο και με φιλικές τιμές στο μπαρ(μπύ
ρα/red bull 5e, ποτό(απλό)6e, νερό 500ml 0,5e)!!!
Να σας ενημερώσουμε ότι το παρτυ μας ξεκινάει μετά τις 00:30 το βραδύ με extra Soundsystem και το μόνο που θέλουμε από όλους είναι να φέρετε το χαμόγελο σας και την καλή διάθεση σας!
Psy you There!!!
Να σας ενημερώσουμε ότι το παρτυ μας ξεκινάει μετά τις 00:30 το βραδύ με extra Soundsystem και το μόνο που θέλουμε από όλους είναι να φέρετε το χαμόγελο σας και την καλή διάθεση σας!
Psy you There!!!
Event on Facebook:
Αυγούστου 2012 σε ένα Psy PROGRESSIVE Full Moon Party(Nat201)!!!
Με χαλαρή διάθεση και σαν meeting point μετά τις διακοπές των περισσοτέρων από εμάς θα σας υποδεχτούμε στο καταπληκτικό χώρο του DECK Seaside Bar με θεά τον έναστρο ουρανό αλλά και την θάλασσα….
Έτσι σε περιμένουμε σε μια μουσική περιπλάνηση στα τοπία της psy progressive trance κάτω από το Φως της πανσέληνου!!! Το πάρτυ είναι χωρίς εισιτήριο και με φιλικές τιμές στο μπαρ.
Psy you There!!!

NATURAL HIGH(Nat194) presents
"Springedelics" part 2
NATURAL HIGH Trance Family presents:
The "Springedelics Sessions" part 1 & 2 on friday 23 and 30 March 2012 at GoYa plus club Aristofanous 11 Psiri/Athens,
with Full Psychedelic Trance sounds from :Iraklis Mindphaser,DjEhuty(Pixel Freaks/Brazil),UnderVerse,Psycho Queen,Invisible.
And only with entrance 5euros + Beer!!!
One sound...One family...One life only...Enjoy it!!

NATURAL HIGH(Nat194) presents
"Springedelics" part 1
NATURAL HIGH Trance Family presents:
The "Springedelics Sessions" part 1 & 2 on friday 23 and 30 March 2012 at GoYa plus club Aristofanous 11 Psiri/Athens,
with Full Psychedelic Trance sounds from Natural High Resident Dj's + Friends(Iraklis Mindphaser,Tritostep,Argy Echosense,Psycho Queen,Optimus)!!
And only with entrance 5euros + Beer!!!
One sound...One family...One life only...Enjoy it!!

NATURAL HIGH "Let's Psy Carnival" Iraklis MINDPHASER + friends (5e+beer)!!
On Friday 24.02.2012 at GoYa plus club,Athens
NATURAL HIGH(Nat193) presents "Let's Psy Carnival" On FRIDAY 24 FEB 2012
~IRAKLIS MINDPHASER(Birthday special Mix)
(Natural High,V.V.)
~UNDERVERSE aka AlexUnder
(Natural High,Optic Alchemy)
(Human Pagan Stories,Freeze mgz)
(Natural High Family)
(Natural High,Psy Labs)
Aristofanous 11, Psiri Area,
~Doors Open:23:30 till late!
*****EnTrance: 5e + Beer!********
++Vj projections: Telectron
++FLUO Decor+Installations by BOTN
-Full Aircondition system!
-Big and Confortable dancefloor
-UV Lights!
-Age over 18
~IRAKLIS MINDPHASER(Birthday special Mix)
(Natural High,V.V.)
~UNDERVERSE aka AlexUnder
(Natural High,Optic Alchemy)
(Human Pagan Stories,Freeze mgz)
(Natural High Family)
(Natural High,Psy Labs)
Aristofanous 11, Psiri Area,
~Doors Open:23:30 till late!
*****EnTrance: 5e + Beer!********
++Vj projections: Telectron
++FLUO Decor+Installations by BOTN
-Full Aircondition system!
-Big and Confortable dancefloor
-UV Lights!
-Age over 18


One of the hottest and most wanted names in the psychedelic trance scene in our days!!!
(Drive Records,Israel)
Azax Syndrom is Regev Azaria from Israel. His musical background is heavy metal, in the early 90's Azax was a lead singer in a metal band. Few years later he was exposed to electronic music, and psytrance parties, and was fascinated by this sound. Since then he was collecting and playing Trance music, and after being a DJ for some years he started to make his own music at the beginning of 2003. Combining his musically background with his trance influences, Azax was in search for fresh and innovative sound! The result was powerful music, always pushing to the max. Heavy riffs, crisp metal melodies, pumping baselines and heavy beats, all packed in together, wrapped with his unique buildup and cutting edge production generates extreme dance floor music. His unique style of music gained very fast global recognition, and azax became one of the most demanded acts worldwide.
At 2003 his first co-album "Voices of madness" was released, and was considered as a milestone in modern psy-trance music. Many people consider it as a masterpiece. Since then azax has been touring the globe, playing at every important stage and festival, spreading his sound and vision to the masses... his first solo album "Evolution" was released at April 2007, at 3dvision records. And was a huge success worldwide. later on this year his compilation "The Exploding Man" was released, featuring mega hits such as cutting edge science, and the exploding man.
His third album "Round 1", collaboration with Bliss, was released at May 2009 at drive records, setting new standards in psy music, and production skills. This album was immediately a mega hit at dance floors worldwide, and was the most demanded sound of that year. At 2010 Azax released a digital EP "Overload", featuring 2 new collaboration tracks and a mega remix to Talamasca's hit overload. During his career, azax has many tracks featured at various compilations, in all top international major labels. Also azax has many collaboration tracks with various artists from all around the world.
2011 his new collaboration album with star producer Bliss, “Round 2" is about to release. This one is meant straight for dance floors, giving their fans what they love so much... Round 2 is declared.... Get ready for battle!
+ from NATURAL HIGH SOUNDSYSTEM in special mixes!!!
(Natural High,Velvet Vision)
(Natural High,Optic Alchemy)
(Natural High Soundsystem)
@ KYTTARO Live Club
Athens,Greece Earth
~Doors Open:23:30
~EnTrance: 20e with 1 Drink
~ + Free Welcome Snap of red Wine
++Vj projections: Telectron
++Full size Projection SCREEN--
++Fluo Deco+Installations:OPTIC ALCHEMY/Natural PsY Labs + NIKOXIL Backdrops
++Full Colour LASER show by Natural Psy Labs
++Natural High Mini shop with Nat T-Shirts
-Full Aircondition system!
-MARTIN(uk)line aray soundsystem
-Big and Confortable dancefloor
-UV Lights!
-Two Bar Spots
(5e beer,5e Red bull,7e Drink)
-Age over 18
Find us on Facebook:
NATURAL HIGH proudly presents "WELCOME 2012" the first welcoming event for 2012 on Sat 07 January featuring 2 Top Psy Trance Projects in special 2 hours live perfomances.!!! full details soon...

11th ANNIVERSARY(2000-2011)189PARTIES!!!
Front side
Back side
Celebrates its 11th birthday (2000-2011) and presents ***The Psy Anniversary ***
with 3 of the top UK projects for the 1st time in Athens!!!
on SAT. 26 NOVEMBER 2011 @ Kyttaro Live Club!!!
For the first time in Athens
--PSYMMETRIX Live Performance
(Bom Shanka Music,UK)
presenting a upcoming album
'no more milking it'
For the first time in Athens
--DIRTY SAFFI Live Performance
(Bom Shanka Music,UK)
For the first time in Athens
--ASIMILON Live Performance
(Bom Shanka Music,UK)
+ from NATURAL HIGH SOUNDSYSTEM in special mixes!!!
-They has played from small bars to multi-days festivals and biggest Open air free Raves in Greece!!!Special B2B set for 10th Anniversry!!!
(Natural High,Velvet Vision)
(Natural High,Optic Alchemy)
@ KYTTARO Live Club
Athens,Greece Earth
-Doors Open:23:00
-EnTrance: 20e with 1 Drink
-+ Free Welcome Snap of red Wine
-40 FREE Original CDs for the First 40 people!!!
++Vj projections: Telectron
++Full size Projection SCREEN--
++Fluo Deco+Installations:OPTIC ALCHEMY/Natural PsY Labs + NIKOXIL Backdrops
++Full Colour LASER show by Natural Psy Labs
++Natural High Mini shop with Nat T-Shirts
-Full Aircondition system!
-MARTIN(uk)line aray soundsystem
-Big and Confortable dancefloor
-UV Lights!
-Two Bar Spots
(4e beer,4e Red bull,6e Drink)
-Age over 18

presents "COSMIC FRACTALS"---Special Guest and all time favourite for the Greek audience
and 4rd time at Natural High party!The Scandinavian Master:
>>> KOXBOX aka FRANK'E dj set (Twisted/Solstice Records,Dennmark/IBZ)
Stalwarts of the Danish scene for sometime Frank'e, Peter Candy and Ian Ion started working together in the early '90s. Frank and Peter had made their
names as DJs, influenced throughout the eighties by bands such as Kraftwerk, Front 242, Tangerine and Nu Beat when the pair met the producer Ian Ion,
known for his work with The Overlords. After releasing their first single on Where's The Party Records and a follow-up on Peter Candy's own Outloud Records,
Koxbox came to the notice of DJ Sven Vath who signed them up to his seminal Harthouse label, who released six singles before the first Koxbox album Forever
After. The album was widely recognised and increased the band's profile considerably. With the success, Koxbox decided to try out their material in front
of a live audience and the unit had their debut together with house act Fluke at The Blitz in Denmark. After this experience the London house-boys had to
spend quite some time recovering from post-psychedelic stress symptoms. In 1997 Koxbox decided to sign with the London electronica label, Blueroom Released
and in November 1997 the album Dragon Tales was released.
Dave Fowler pretty much summed up the reaction to the album in Muzik magazine; "Probably the most
in-yer-face psychedelic outfit ever, with the possible exception of Brian Jones and his nomadic Moroccan tribesman circa 1967, Danish floor fillers Koxbox
are not know for pulling any punches.
The same year saw Koxbox remixes of Juno Reactor and Slinky Wizard and at the same time Frank'e and Ian formed the band Psychopod which released a
couple of successful singles on T.I.P. Records. The following year of '98 was a year of change for Koxbox, Peter Candy left
the band and Frank and Ian spent most of the year working on film music and a new album. In the summer of '99 after some exciting gigs all over the world
and after Frank'e having his first child, Koxbox put the finishing touches on a new album The Great Unknown. The Great Unknown was a radical departure from
the known Koxbox style, slower and more funky, but retaining the crystalline production and exquisite application of state of the art technology for which
the band is known.
With the album in hand the duo went to the new successful German trance label, Novatekk, who signed them immediately. The Great Unknown
went on to become one of the best selling psy-trance albums of the new millennium, backed with a number of gigs all over the world that established Koxbox
as one of the leading bands on the scene. And with the following 12”/CDM “A Major Problem in Australia”, they broke into new markets with a variety of
remixes in a progressive style.
After the success of The Great Unknown, Frank’e and Ian set out to work on the Psychopod project and give it a new spin.
After the demise of T.I.P. Records, they decided to take the project in a new, more club oriented direction, while still retaining the original “sound
breaker” concept. So the twosome decided to change the name to Saiko-pod. “Saiko” meaning “great” or “the highest” in Japanese. In 2000 and 2001 a number
of tracks were released on different compilations to mark the beginning of a new style from the Koxbox lab. In the beginning of 2002 the first Saiko-pod al
bum, “Phutures and Options” was finished and licensed to Spiral Trax (Sweden), Solstice Music (Japan) and Sound Sorcery (Mexico), thus securing that
audiences all over the world are able to find the tracks they’ve enjoyed on the dance floor in their local record shop.
While finishing Phutures and
Options, Frank’e and Ian have been building new studio facilities in their hometown of Copenhagen and the cover of the album features a picture of the
studio command centre. From this place comes 74 minutes of intelligent trance and downbeat that builds on the Koxbox tradition for punch and innovation.
Following the release of Saiko-pod is a number of live gigs and remixes to stun and enjoy.
KoxBox is a psychedelic trance act from Copenhagen/Denmark, known for their
complex soundscapes, filled with futuristic sounds, samples and sharp
funky basslines.
And the rest is future history....
Enjoy+Dance it!!!
---For the first time in Athens one of the most mystical Projects/bands of psy trance Scene!!!
>>> INTERSTELLAR OVERDRIVE Live Performance Interstellar Overdrive is one of the most mystical projects of the psy trance scene. Based in Athens, Greece the duet has performed live in very few rare occasions and has just one released track as Prisma on Oktava Records. Rumour has it that in 1999 Interstellar Overdrive received a contract offer from TIP World for their debut album but they refused to sign it because they claimed that they wanted to keep their music for themselves and that they didnt want to expose their names and faces in public. Therefore the 12 tracks album never got released and the producers continued to work under a cloak of mystery. This will be a very special live perfomance from a very special project in Athens were the guys will present bright new material for the first time in front of the Athenian crowd. Dont miss it under any circumstances.
++ from NATURAL HIGH SOUNDSYSTEM in special mixes!!!
>> IRAKLIS MINDPHASER (Natural High,Velvet Vision)
>> UNDERVERSE aka Alexunder (Natural High,Optic Alchemy)
>> Djane PSYCHO QUEEN (Natural High SoundSystem)
@ KYTTARO Live Club IPEIROU 48 & AXARNON Athens,Greece Earth
-Doors Open:23:30 -EnTrance: 15e++Vj projections: Telectron ++Full size Projection SCREEN-- ++Fluo Deco+Installations:OPTIC ALCHEMY/Natural PsY Labs + NIKOXIL Backdrops ++Full Colour Laser show by Natural Psy Labs
++Natural High Mini shop with Nat T-Shirts
-Full Aircondition system! -MARTIN(uk)line aray soundsystem -Big and Confortable dancefloor -UV Lights! -Two Bar Spots (4e beer,4e Red bull,6e Drink) -Age over 18
Find us on Facebook:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Next Confirm Natural High
on SAT 26 NOV(11th Anniversary) with Psymetrix Live + more
+SAT 24 DEC(x-Mass) with AZAX SYNDROM Live +SAT 07 JAN 2012 details soon
NATURAL HIGH presents after many years in Athens the Russian Psy Trance Legend PARASENSE LIVE pa @ Kyttaro live club!!!

After many years in Athens one of the Russian Psy Trance Pioneer Artist!!!
// PARASENSE Live Performance (Bom Shanka Music,Russia)

Parasense is the legendary Alex Kurkin from Russia. Living in Moscow he is considered to be one of the best Russian artists in the psychedelic scene with dedicated fans all over the world. Originally Alex was collaborating with his good friend and partner Zolod and together they released three albums, Apple and Avangard on greek based Acidance Records and Past Present Future on the portugese based Crystal Matrix including the most insane and pumping night time stuff which is more than enough to keep your brain occupied on the dancefloor. After the tragic death of Zolod in 2006 Alex kept the Parasense name and compiled a cd named Life for Crystal Matrix including big psy trance names like GMS, Talamasca, Xerox And Illumination, Joti and more. Today Alex continues to make killer music and has recently teamed up with Bom Shanka Music to work on more Parasense tunes and other collaborations with Asimilon, (1/2 of UK duo Psymmetrix) and Illegal Machines. Be prepared for a storming live perfomance!

One of the GodFather of Serius Dark Sound and Owner of DiscoValley Records
//TEO dj set
(DiscoValley Records Goa/Gr)

Teo is originally from Greece, but arrived and installed himself in Goa in 1983. His journey as a Dj started later, in 1999, at that time he plays around India and in Goa, but also in Russia and Japan. In 2003, the label Disco Valley is founded, taking its name from the well known beach where lots of Goan parties have been held, and since then promoting psychedelic sounds worldwide with success, through a series of solid compilations and albums compiled by Dj Teo who's fan often refer as Master Blaster ! The first compilation (Nocturne) starts the story, promoting Russian sounds from Kindzadza, Zolod, Parasense, Fungus Funk and others. Next VA's included at that time new talents who are also now recognized worldwide artists like Claw, Dark Elf, Silent Horror, Fraktal Noise, Candy Power, Dominator, Detonatik, Samadhi and more... !
(Natural High,V.V.)
The founder of Natural High Trance Family who has performed in more than 400 gigs during the past 11 years from small underground venues to the biggest clubs all around Greece and from multiday festivals to free open air raves all around the country!!!
(Natural High SoundSystem)
//Dj OPTIMUS(Natural High SoundSystem)
--Vj projections:by ELECTRON--
--Full colour LASER Show by Natural PsY Labs--
--Full size Projection Screen--
--Fluo/UV Deco+Installations:Natural PsY Labs--
--Backdrops by NikoxiL--
-EnTrance:20e with 1 Drink!
@ KYTTARO Live Club IPEIROU 48 & AXARNON Athens,Greece Earth
-Full Aircondition system! -MARTIN(uk)line aray soundsystem -Big and Confortable dancefloor -UV Lights! -Two Bar Spots -sPECIAL low prices(4e/beer,6e/drink) -Age over 18
Next Confirm Natural High on SAT 15 OCT @ Kyttaro club with KOXBOX + more...
and SAT 26 NOV(11th Ann)
+SAT 24 DEC(x-Mass)
For the first time ever in Athens four different party teams unite their powers to launch a massive event. Natural High, Amorphia, Exposure Productions and Oscar Project proudly join forces and present U-RECKEN & KINDZADZA live at Ammos Beach Club on Saturday 03 September 2011 along with local support by IRAKLIS MINDPHASER & EL MAHICO.

U-RECKEN Live Perfomance (Dooflex Records / Israel)
KINDZADZA Live Perfomance (Osom Music / Russia)
IRAKLIS MINDPHASER DJ Set (Natural High / Greece)
EL MAHICO DJ Set (Amorphia / Greece)
EXTRA SOUNDSYSTEM. LASER SHOW & UV DECORATION by Natural Labs. REDUCED BAR PRICES. Date of the event is Saturday 03 of September and doors will open on midnight. The event will take place at Ammos Beach Club (Paralia Alimou). No illegal substances will be tolerated,respect the hospitality of the venue and help us to protect our scene. Age Limit 18+ Entrance Fee 15 Euro.
and Exposure Productions join forces for an unforgetable summer blast event next to the sea on Saturday 16 July @ Ammos Beach Club. The two oldest and most respected teams in the city present for the first time in Athens LUNARAVE in a special 2 hours live perfomance along with SILICON SOUND and local support by Iraklis Mindphaser and Djane Psycho Queen.

For the First time in Athens in 2hrs LUNARAVE Live Perfomance (Hadra Records / France)
Hublot Julien from France is the new rising star behind the Lunarave project. Since 2004 he has been rocking the dancefloors around the globe as a DJ and he started producing as Lunarave since 2006 while recently he released his debut album The 4th Sun on Hadra Records with great success. At the moment he is one of the hottest names of the trance scene and this will be his first ever appearence in Athens in a special 2 hours live perfomance.
SILICON SOUND DJ Set (Neurobiotic Records / France)
Johannes Regnier is the mastermind behind the Silicon Sound project based in France. For the last ten years Silicon Sound is one of the frontrunners of the french trance scene releasing countless hits in labels such as 3D Vision, Nano Records, Alchemy, Dragonfly and Spirit Zone Records. His debut album Pure Analog is considered a classic among the fans and his latest compilation Synthetic Chronicles under Neurobiotic Records was a huge success. Experimenting between the full on and progressive sides of trance music he has collaborated with various arists such as GMS, Talamasca, Jaia, and Blue Planet Corporation just to name a few. At the moment he is working on his long awaited album to be released on Neurobiotic Records.
IRAKLIS MINDPHASER DJ Set (Natural High / Greece)
Iraklis Mindphaser was born in Athens in 1975 and started his djing experience in 1991 first spinning techno and breakbeat records in small parties. He is a qualified sound engineer and since early 2000 he has been the main dj and organiser of Natural High events one of the most active mobile party organisations in the city with more than 150 events in its backround featuring some of the top names of the trance scene. Iraklis returns on the decks of Ammos Beach Club for a special beat to beat dj set.
PSYCHO QUEEN DJ Set (Natural High / Greece)
DJane Psycho Queen is the newest member of the Natural High Soundsystem and she will be responsible for the warm up of this event. FLUO & UV DECORATION by Optic Alchemy. Date of the event is Saturday 16 of July 2011 and doors will open on midnight. The event will take place at Ammos Beach Club (Paralia Alimou). No illegal substances will be tolerated,respect the hospitality of the venue and help us to protect our scene. Management reserves right to refuse admission.Age Limit 18+ Entrance Fee 15 Euro.
New NATURAL HIGH Parties/Dates:
>>Fri-Sat 6-7-8 May Legalize Festival 2011>>Wed-Sun 25-29 May B-Fest 2011,Athens

***Β-FEST: AntiAuthoritarian Festival***
25-29 May 2011
School of Fine Arts
(Peireos 256,Tauros Athens,Greece)

All Program/stages(4)/Actions on:
>>Stage Psy trance
NATURAL HIGH Trance Family presents
a 3day Psy trance meeting!!!
Wednesday 25,Thursday 26,Friday 27,Sunday 29May
Music From:
--Natural High Soundsystem/djs
--Steve Self/Plusquam(uk)
--DJane Huitaca/Hybrid Uv
--Dendrobates aka Daoine Sidhe
--Psycho Queen
--Homme de Nuit
++ Nat FRIENDS!!!
Deco by Optic Alchemy
Projections by Telectron + Global Eye
@ Fluo N.H.kiosk
with T-shirts,Camvas,
CDs,free stickers etc...
The daily line up on:
>>SATURDAY 28 MAY @ Main/Central Stage
~ Psychedelic Zone~
--ZEN GARDEN Live pa--
+ Dj sets:
>>Crystal Zero/Void Network
>>Iraklis Mindphaser
>>Dj Nikitas
Fluo Decor by:NikoxiL
WEDNASDAY 25 MAY 2011 @ N.H. Kiosk/start 23:00
--DJane Huitaca/Hybrid Uv
--Psycho Queen
++Natural High Soundsystem/djs/FRIENDS
THURSDAY 26 MAY 2011 @ N.H. Kiosk/start 23:00
--Dendrobates aka Daoine Sidhe
--Homme de Nuit
++Natural High Soundsystem/djs/FRIENDS
FRIDAY 27 MAY 2011 @ N.H. Kiosk/start 23:00
--Steve Self/Plusquam(uk)
++Natural High Soundsystem/djs/FRIENDS
SAT 28 MAY 2011 @ Main Sage of Festival
--ZEN GARDEN Live pa--
+ Dj sets:
>>Crystal Zero/Void Network
>>Iraklis Mindphaser
>>Dj Nikitas
SUNDAY 29 MAY @ N.H. Kiosk/start 21:00
--Sotokkan/Direct Connection
++Natural High Soundsystem/djs/FRIENDS
Fri-Sun 08-10 July Hybrid Uv Festival Paggaio,Drama
27 July-01 August 2011 Music and Cultural Festival,Ancient Olimpia
NATURAL HIGH(nat183) presents
Urban Psy part 03 with special guests and
Natural High residents From Athenian Psychedelic
Trance Scene!!!

on FRIDAY 15 APRIL 2011
--URBAN PSY (part 3)---
Full psychedelic sounds from:
(Natural High,Void Network)
(without Label/crew)
(Natural High Family)
@ GOYA Club
Aristofanous 11 psiri
Fluo Deco by OPTIC ALCHEMY(Natural High)
-TECNARE Sound System
-Full Aircondition
-UV Lights
-Full Aircondition system

Natural High proudly presents for the 1st time
in Athenian Psychedelic dance crowd one of most wanted
psy trance Artist:
>>AZAX SYNDROME dj set (3d vision/Drive Records Israel)

His musical background is heavy metal, in the early 90's Azax was a lead singer in a death metal band. Then in 1994 Azax was exposed to PsyTrance through some friends, and was amazed by its magical power.
Since then he was collecting and playing Trance music, and after being a DJ for some years he started to make his own music at the beginning of 2002. combining his musically background with his trance influences.
His tracks are very powerful always pushing to the max. Since then Azax had many releases on various labels, getting a big name for his unique music and style. Also collaborated with many artists such as:
Skazi, Psysex, Absolum, CPU, Digital Talk, Painkiller, Bliss, Abomination, Shiva, Psycotic Micro, Shift, Winter Demon, Ultravoice, Space Tribe, Exaile and many more...
Azax debut album "Evolution" released at April 2007 at 3D Vision records, and was a big hit on dance floors world wide ...
Later he released his compilation " The Exploding Man", featured 10 massive tracks, mega blasters,shaping the new sound of psychedelic music.
2011 his new collaboration album with star producer Bliss, “Round 2" is about to release.
This one is meant straight for dance floors, giving their fans what they love so much... Get ready for battle!
>>IRAKLIS MINDPHASER (Natural High,Velvet Vision)
>>EL MAHICO (Amorphia/World Is Mine records)
>>UNDERVERSE (Natural High,Optic Alchemy)
-Deco by Optic Alchemy(Natural High)
-Backdrops by NikoxiL
>15e Inc. 1 Drink(23:00-01:00)
>20e Inc. 1 Drinc(01:00-end)-Full Air-condition
-Parking Area
-UV Lights/Lasers
-FLUO Decor -Sound modulation by Nats
-Xtra SoundSystem
-Free WiFi spot
-Start:23:00-07:00 -Age over 18
-Indoor & Outdoor Area!
-24hr Tram Station(loutra Alimou)
@ AMMOS BEACH CLUB Loutra Alimou(24hr Tram Station)
Poseidonos Avenue. Alimos Area Athens
-In case of rain/cold the club becomes indoor
by big special crystal doors so you will
not miss any of the magnificent outdoor view!!!
>> NATURAL HIGH (nat181) presents
-->Psy BALL MASQUE Party in two Stages!!!

Natural High Present the second Special Event in a 2 floors/Stages with 8 djs @ Mad Club at Gazi Area! In a 1st stage a modern/nowdays Psy Trance
and the second stage pure Goa trance from the Past!!!
Don't Miss it!!!
Stage 1,**Ground Floor(Main)/Psychedelic Trance!
>>on 23:30-00:30 the Film

Liquid Crystal Vision weaves a multi-colored tapestry of dance, trance, mystical arts, and science on the digital loom of shamanic cybernetic consciousness. Just as deep as the symbol, so is its powerful message!
(Acidance Records,Dark psy of the moon)
(Amorphia/World Is Mine records)
>>UNDERVERSE aka AlexUnder
(Natural High,Optic Alchemy)
Stage 2,**1st Floor GOA Trance Classics Stage(1994-2000)!
(Unexplored Land)
++OPTIMUS intro chill set
(Natural High Trance Family)
start 23:30-06:30
Entrance(in 2 Stages):10e +Beer
-Fluo/uv Deco by OPTIC ALCHEMY
-Backdrops by NikoXiL
-Video Projections
Persefonis & Dekeleon 12,
Gazi Area
NATURAL HIGH (nat180) presents
On SAT 19.02.2011
"Perception" vol 1

One of the GodFather of Serius Dark Sound and Owner of DiscoValley Records with base in GOA/India Also one of the most respected figures of Underground Psychedelic Trance!!! After 9 years(from 2001) play again at!
>> TEO dj set (DiscoValley Records Goa/Gr)
Teo is originally from Greece, but arrived and installed himself in Goa in 1983. His journey as a Dj started later, in 1999, at that time he plays around India and in Goa, but also in Russia and Japan. In 2003, the label Disco Valley is founded, taking its name from the well known beach where lots of Goan parties have been held, and since then promoting psychedelic sounds worldwide with success, through a series of solid compilations and albums compiled by Dj Teo who's fan often refer as Master Blaster ! The first compilation (Nocturne) starts the story, promoting Russian sounds from Kindzadza, Zolod, Parasense, Fungus Funk and others. Next VA's included at that time new talents who are also now recognized worldwide artists like Claw, Dark Elf, Silent Horror, Fraktal Noise, Candy Power, Dominator, Detonatik, Samadhi and more...

The Founder of Natural High with more 400 dj sets in this 10 years!!! He has played from small bars until multidays festivals and biggest Open air free Raves in Greece!!!
>> IRAKLIS MINDPHASER dj set (Natural High,Velvet Vision)
>>Dj NIKITAS (Natural High SoundSystem)
start 24:00 till late... Entrance:15e +Drink
Fluo/uv Deco by OPTIC ALCHEMY
Backdrops by NikoXiL
@ Oscar Project(X Vega+)
3 Ag. Eleousis str,(upstairs Stage)
Monastiraki Athens,Greece

NATURAL HIGH (nat179) presents
~BINARY Psy 01.01.11~
The first trance party of 2011 or the A.F.T.E.R for 2010???
Natural High celebrates a new year arrival
on Sat 01 Jan 2011 at Vega+ club!!!

(Natural High,Velvet Vision)
(The Dark Psy of the Moon)
>>UNDERVERSE aka AlexUnder
(Natural High,Optic Alchemy)
start 24:00 till late...
Entrance:10e +Drink
Fluo/uv Deco by OPTIC ALCHEMY
Backdrops by NikoXiL
@ Vega+Plus
3 Ag. Eleousis str,(upstairs Stage)
Monastiraki Athens,Greece

presents on Friday 24 December
to celebrate the X-Mass spirit at
Ammos Club with Natural High Trance Family
and dj's on a special holiday night!
Psy trance from:
(Natural High,Velvet Vision)
>>GREG STAIKOS (special Psy Vs Morning Goa Set)
(Hybrid UV Evoloution Festival)
>>UNDERVERSE aka AlexUnder
(Natural High,Optic Alchemy)
Loutra Alimou(24hr Tram Station)
Poseidonos Avenue
-->Entrance:10e Inc.1 Drink
+ free X-Mass Delicacies/sweets
+ Free Mushrooms Magazines(Intrenational Edition)
-Fluo Deco by Optic Alchemy
-Backdrops by NikoxiL
-Full Protected from Rain
and Cold + Air-condition!
-Parking free Area
-UV Lights/Lasers
-Age over 18
-24hr Tram Station
These all happens at AMMOS CLUB (Indoor - 10 meter from the Beach!).
The club becomes indoor (for rain + cold protection)
by big special crystal doors so you will not miss any of the magnificent outdoor view!!!

After many time something Diffrent for Psy Trance scene in Athens!!! Natural High Present this Special Event in a 2 floors/Stages @ Mad Club at Gazi Area!In a 1st stage a modern/nowdays Psy Trance and the second stage pure Goa trance!!! Don't Miss it!!!
Stage 1,**Ground Floor(Main)/Psychedelic Trance!
(Natural High,Velvet Vision)
(The Dark Psy of the Moon)
>>UNDERVERSE aka AlexUnder
(Natural High,Optic Alchemy)
(Bpm Life,Freeze Mgzn)
Stage 2,**1st Floor GOA Trance Stage!
(Figment Crew)
++OPTIMUS intro chill set
(Natural High Trance Family)
start 23:30-06:30
Entrance(in 2 Stages):8e +Beer
Persefonis & Dekeleon 12,Gazi Area
Fluo/uv Deco by OPTIC ALCHEMY
Backdrops by NikoXiL

on SATURDAY 04 DEC 2010
(Natural High,Velvet Vision)
>>dj CONFO
(Psyacoustics crew)
>>TRITOSTEP aka Dimitrio Nats
(Natural High,Optic Alchemy)
Loutra Alimou(24hr Tram Station)
Poseidonos Avenue.
-entrance:10e Inc.1 Drink
-Full Air-condition
-FREE Parking Area
-UV Lights/Lasers
-FLUO Decor
-Age over 18
-Outdoor Chill Area!
-24hr Tram Station
These all happens at AMMOS CLUB (Indoor - 10 meter from the Beach!).
The club becomes indoor (for rain + cold protection)
by big special crystal doors so you will not miss any of the magnificent outdoor view!!!
Celebrates its 10th birthday (2000-2010) and presents ***The Anniversary ***
on SAT. 27 NOVEMBER 2010 @ Kyttaro Live Club!!!

At first, there were a group of guys, sharing the same passion for psychedelic music.
Not a long time was needed for these guys to reach a very significant realization:
Psychedelic Dance Music and everything it stands for had an absolute power
upon them, in all aspects of their Life.
After that, the one led to the other...The passion had become a common vision.
It was then that they decided to throw their first party.
On 25th November 2000, in An Club, Exarxeia, they introduced their selves as Natural High / Velvet Vision, giving life to their conception of supporting the scene, maintaining or even expanding its philosophy and doing what they like the most at the same time.
2010 is considered to be a milestone for Natural High history. After 10 years and 175 parties,
The scene brings people close, creates friendships and memories…there is a bond created and it is rock solid...artists, teams with old members or new ones, audience…friends…ALL PARTS OF THE SAME PSYCHEDELIC BOND.
So Natural High is still here, still active, with it’s prospect refreshed and redefined, introduces a new dynamic era. This on the one hand and the anniversary on the other are two good reasons to celebrate on Saturday 27th November and return to our friends some of the gratitude they deserve for supporting us through our journey.
THX ALL people to support Natural High Trance Family in this 10 years!!!
-Special Guest and all time favourite for the Greek audience
and 3rd time at Natural High party!The Scandinavian Master:
>>KOXBOX aka FRANK'E dj set
(Twisted/Solstice Records,Dennmark)
Stalwarts of the Danish scene for sometime Frank'e, Peter Candy and Ian Ion started working together in the early '90s. Frank and Peter had made their
names as DJs, influenced throughout the eighties by bands such as Kraftwerk, Front 242, Tangerine and Nu Beat when the pair met the producer Ian Ion,
known for his work with The Overlords. After releasing their first single on Where's The Party Records and a follow-up on Peter Candy's own Outloud Records,
Koxbox came to the notice of DJ Sven Vath who signed them up to his seminal Harthouse label, who released six singles before the first Koxbox album Forever
After. The album was widely recognised and increased the band's profile considerably. With the success, Koxbox decided to try out their material in front
of a live audience and the unit had their debut together with house act Fluke at The Blitz in Denmark. After this experience the London house-boys had to
spend quite some time recovering from post-psychedelic stress symptoms. In 1997 Koxbox decided to sign with the London electronica label, Blueroom Released
and in November 1997 the album Dragon Tales was released.
Dave Fowler pretty much summed up the reaction to the album in Muzik magazine; "Probably the most
in-yer-face psychedelic outfit ever, with the possible exception of Brian Jones and his nomadic Moroccan tribesman circa 1967, Danish floor fillers Koxbox
are not know for pulling any punches.
The same year saw Koxbox remixes of Juno Reactor and Slinky Wizard and at the same time Frank'e and Ian formed the band Psychopod which released a
couple of successful singles on T.I.P. Records. The following year of '98 was a year of change for Koxbox, Peter Candy left
the band and Frank and Ian spent most of the year working on film music and a new album. In the summer of '99 after some exciting gigs all over the world
and after Frank'e having his first child, Koxbox put the finishing touches on a new album The Great Unknown. The Great Unknown was a radical departure from
the known Koxbox style, slower and more funky, but retaining the crystalline production and exquisite application of state of the art technology for which
the band is known.
With the album in hand the duo went to the new successful German trance label, Novatekk, who signed them immediately. The Great Unknown
went on to become one of the best selling psy-trance albums of the new millennium, backed with a number of gigs all over the world that established Koxbox
as one of the leading bands on the scene. And with the following 12”/CDM “A Major Problem in Australia”, they broke into new markets with a variety of
remixes in a progressive style.
After the success of The Great Unknown, Frank’e and Ian set out to work on the Psychopod project and give it a new spin.
After the demise of T.I.P. Records, they decided to take the project in a new, more club oriented direction, while still retaining the original “sound
breaker” concept. So the twosome decided to change the name to Saiko-pod. “Saiko” meaning “great” or “the highest” in Japanese. In 2000 and 2001 a number
of tracks were released on different compilations to mark the beginning of a new style from the Koxbox lab. In the beginning of 2002 the first Saiko-pod al
bum, “Phutures and Options” was finished and licensed to Spiral Trax (Sweden), Solstice Music (Japan) and Sound Sorcery (Mexico), thus securing that
audiences all over the world are able to find the tracks they’ve enjoyed on the dance floor in their local record shop.
While finishing Phutures and
Options, Frank’e and Ian have been building new studio facilities in their hometown of Copenhagen and the cover of the album features a picture of the
studio command centre. From this place comes 74 minutes of intelligent trance and downbeat that builds on the Koxbox tradition for punch and innovation.
Following the release of Saiko-pod is a number of live gigs and remixes to stun and enjoy.
KoxBox is a psychedelic trance act from Copenhagen/Denmark, known for their
complex soundscapes, filled with futuristic sounds, samples and sharp
funky basslines.
And the rest is future history....
Enjoy+Dance it!!!
- Presents a upcoming 2nd album ''Radio telescopes''
(Geomagnetic Records,Gr)
Predators is a Greek based project which was born in Athens by two brothers, Andreas (aka Dj Ancestor) and Stavros (aka Dj Dr.Insekt) Kamenidis. They are the premiere Progressive and Psytrance project and the new central European hot spot for the trance movement right now!! Stavros started djing in 1991 and after 5 years developing and mixing different styles of music,psychedelic trance won him over. During those years he had played in many parties in Greece with guests or local djs. He is also playing every Thursday live dj sets for ,the biggest Greek webradio station and corporate with webradio in which you can find many of his sets playing all the time.Whether is a night - morning or warm-up time he is not afraid to use his skills & knowledge and make a set full of psychedelic energy vibes! He studied sound engineering and movie editing and he is now working in both while making music and djing. Andreas started making music in 1997 when his passion for electronic music took all over him!!Till then Stavros was teaching him the Techno philosophy and he was hooked.After that psychedelic trance came into his life and made him start making his own music!In the meanwhile he studied sound engineering & music techonology and in 2000 he released his first album called "Predator" (No1 in sales) under the project name "L.O.S" (Legion Of Space) in Eros Music, a Greek record label.After that he had a solo career for a couple of years till the end of 2002... He also works as a sound engineer while making music!! So in January of 2003 they decided to share their knowledge in electronic music and they created the project PREDATORS.They have already released tracks in several labels such of Etnicanet,Kagdila,Geomagnetic,Warp Brain,Hinowa,SUN Project.Their debut album named 'COSMOS' released in November of 2008 from US based record label!To push this release to the highest quality far above the crowd the Predators devoted plenty of studio time with top experts from across the planet including Pleiadians and S-Range,creating two stunning remixes of the very wellknown epic track ''Modulation'' and the classic top hit "Larger Plan" refining their sound with the these technical masters.The results are a quality level that cant be denied, coupled with pristine mastering at world famous Geomagnetic Studios based in the USA psychedelic capital, San Francisco by veteran producer and proven master engineer Ross (Random) Dubois. From the first note you are instantly tranceported on a lushly produced magical voyage that satisfies you in all the best ways...! After the album they started releasing tracks in several compilations!Check out the online music stores for their latest releases! ..
+ from NATURAL HIGH SOUNDSYSTEM in special mixes!!!
-They has played from small bars to multi-days festivals and biggest Open air free Raves in Greece!!!Special B2B set for 10th Anniversry!!!
(Natural High,Velvet Vision)
-Core members of Natural High Family and the persons behind Optic Alchemy Decor team!!!
(Natural High,Optic Alchemy)
@ KYTTARO Live Club
Athens,Greece Earth
-EnTrance:20e inc. 1 Drink
--Vj projections: Telectron
--Full size Projection SCREEN--
++Fluo Deco+Installations:OPTIC ALCHEMY + NIKOXIL Backdrops
-Full Aircondition system!
-MARTIN(uk)line aray soundsystem
-Big and Confortable dancefloor
-UV Lights!
-Two Bar Spots
(4e beer,5e Red bull,6e Drink)
-Laser show!
-Age over 18
More info:

>>Mr PECULIAR 2hours special LIVE pa
(Magnetic Pulse Records,Australia)
Affectionately known as Mr P, Dustin Bint is a Psychedelic Trance producer based in Melbourne, Australia. Dustin has been involved with electronic music for 15 years playing live and travelling all over Australia, New Zealand, Japan and Europe, and releasing tracks on a multitude of compilations. Starting way back in 1989 he was involved in various projects making hip hop, drum and bass and chilled out breakbeat music, he then evolved into creating psychedelic trance and had his first release as Mr Peculiar, Elephantitis, on Koyote records early in 2001. His Debut album Elements was released by Tribeadlic in 2002 and he has had tracks featured on compilations from Spiritzone, Tribeadelic, Beats and Pieces, Spectral, Procyon and Fragile Planet, Sphere, Oxygen, Green Ant and Mindfunk. Also, in collaboration with the Melbourne based computer animation wizard The Shapeshifter he created a fully syncronised DVD entitled Syncrosect welding music and animation seamlessly together. his 3rd album "Mind-dala" received rave reveiws and he followed up the release with tours of Australia Japan and Europe and has now completed his 4th album "Infinite Evolution" That lead to yet anather tour of the world . More recently he has combined forces with "Auricle"aka Minja Thomas In a new project entitled "Hyperception"and they are also currently writing an album due out in 2009 and performing worldwide. With a certain melodic and atmospheric sound that takes the listener beyond boundaries and shoots the mind’s eye across the cosmos, Mr Peculiars 2005 album Mind-Dala stands out as an innovative production in the psychedelic trance sound.
(Natural High,Velvet Vision)
>>ANESTIS Dj set
(Medusa Records)
-entrance:15e Inc.1 Drink
10e(Inc.1 Drink) for Natural High Members
-Full Air-condition
-Age over 18
-Outdoor Area!
-24hr Tram Station
These all happens at AMMOS CLUB (Indoor - 10 meter from the Beach!).
The club becomes indoor (for rain + cold protection)
by big special crystal doors so you will not miss any of the magnificent outdoor view!!!
Loutra Alimou(24hr Tram Station)
Poseidonos Avenue.
-->contact us:

Natural High Trance Family proudly presents 2 Live projects from WILDTHINGS Records!
One of Top UK labels is here to teach you some serious psytrance!
HOODWINK LIVE For the First time in Athens...Presenting his new Album
"Sound Mirrors"! ARCHAIC LIVE in a special 2 hours performance from his
upcoming LP & unreleased tracks!
Come experience the Wilderness!!
For the 1st time in Athens
(Wildthings Records,UK)
presenting his new Album "Sound Mirrors"
Hoodwink AKA Kelton Jones has been producing his own style of psytrance for a number of years now. His style manages to cover the
domain of night whilst still maintaing a positive feeling, pulling people towards the speakers, but still retaining an edgy attitude.
The groovy aspect makes it great for the daytime too, so we are sure his music will go down well at any time. He has previously
released 2 tracks on each of the 4 Wildthings Records compilations, and another 9 tracks on his debut album - 'Audio Illusion'. His live set is rocking and has been played at a number of international events with some further international bookings and interest to follow. His 2nd album 'Sound mirrors' is about to be released.
In a special 2 hours Live set!
(Wildthings Records,Gr)
Based at the foot of the mountains outside of Thesaloniki, Kostas (aka Dj lory) has his studio. For many years he has been producing
music, parties and Dj-ing to the people of northern Greece many of whom know him to have been one of the earlier people in their scene to realise the power of the music and party to bring about positive social energy. After releasing a number of tracks on WildCD006 he has released his debut album 'Wildness' (WildCD009) which brought global interest for his music. He follwed this with another two tracks on WildCD010. Expect a mature production with high quality psychedelic dancefloor journey.
(Natural High,V.V.)
(Natural High)
>>UNDERVERSE aka AlexUnder
(Natural High,Optic Alchemy)
--Vj projections:Global Eye(Void Network,UK)
--Full size Projection SCREEN--
++Fluo Deco+Installations:OPTIC ALCHEMY+NIKOXIL Backdrops
@ KYTTARO Live Club
Athens,Greece Earth
-Full Aircondition system!
-MARTIN(uk)line aray soundsystem
-Big and Confortable dancefloor
-UV Lights!
-Two Bar Spots
-Special low bar Prices!!!
-Laser show(tbc)!
-Age over 18
More info:

For the 1st time in Athens one of the Russian Psy Trance Pioneer Artist!!!
(Unlimited Music,Blitz Studios,Russia) presenting his new Album "Electric Grooves"

Biography: Please welcome in Athens the Russian maestro of psytrance Sergey Prilepa aka FUNGUS FUNK… Say no more!!! Having established himself as one of the best psytrance artists to ever come out of Russia, FUNGUS FUNK is today a house brand famous for his powerful and catchy tunes around the world - from Western Europe to the far reaches of Asia, from the North American continent to the Australian outback. Having already released 2 highly acclaimed albums - F People on Acidance (2006) and Vostok 1 with Samadhi on Blitz Studios (2008), Sergey's third album ELECTRIC GROOVES is here to seal the deal! Over the years FUNGUS FUNK has played his memorable live sets all over the planet at prestigious festivals such as Transcendence in Brazil, Boom in Portugal, Solar Eclipse in Turkey, Sky Gravity in Crimea and Sonica in Italy to name just a few, plus hundreds of parties in countries as far apart as Russia, USA, Israel, England, Serbia, India, France, Japan, Sweden, and many others. Bon Appetite!!!
>>DJ NIKITAS (Natural High)
>>CONFO (Psyacoustics)
--Vj projections:Global Eye(Void Network,UK)
--Full size Projection SCREEN--
++Fluo Deco+Installations:OPTIC ALCHEMY+NIKOXIL Backdrops
@ KITARO Live Club IPEIROU 48 & AXARNON Athens,Greece Earth